2014 Polio Plus trip to Caborca, Mexico
UPDATE: All the open seats are filled, but we are now filling a Waiting List. Let Bill Chase know right away if you want to get a spot on the Waiting List. Email pfp100@cox.net. You don't pay until a seat opens up. Reserve your place on this Historic Trip!
It's time again to begin planning for the 2014 Polio Plus trip to Caborca, Mexico. Again we will be participating with District 5320 from California and our neighbors in District 5500.
The trip will held February 7-9, 2014. As in past years we will leave from the Buckeye Elks' Lodge on Friday, the 7th, after meeting and having lunch with the CA Rotarians, who will have been on the bus since sunup. We will return on Sunday afternoon to the Elks' Lodge, where all of us from 5490 will have left our cars in a secure lot for the weekend.
The cost will be $175 per person. This covers the 2-way bus trip with snacks and all meals in Mexico.
Along with your check, please include your email address, home and cell phone numbers, your club, your knowledge of Spanish, and whether you want a room by yourself or would like to share. If you register and later have to cancel, the person from the waiting list who takes your place will reimburse you.
On Saturday morning, we will give oral drops to children 5 years old & under with supervision from Caborca hospital medical personnel. We will have dinner on Friday evening with the members of Rotario Caborca and they will also hold a fantastic lunch for us after the immunizations on Saturday in the beautiful fishing village of El Desemboque. Saturday evening Dinner will be at the Rotario Caborca club house. Sunday morning we will begin the return trip home with a brief stop just before the border for some shopping.