Prescott Frontier Rotary
Food Drive a Success!
Prescott Frontier Rotary hits it out of the park, again!  Under the direction of Mike Payson we conducted a Food Drive and collected donations for the Community Cupboard on the weekend of May 15th . It took 3 full pickups and part of a van  to transport and estimated 3000 pounds of non perishable food for distribution.  Additionally, $6,000 was raised in checks and cash.  Many of these donations came from 2 weeks of meeting Happy Bucks and the Foundation matching that.
Special THANKS to the donation points of Watters Garden Center and Olsen's Grain, the members who worked hard to make it a success and the Community who really stepped up and participated in supporting the Club in this much needed project.
Mike Payson, Service Project Chairman is looking for ideas for community service projects that the Club can do in the near future.  Please let me know any thoughts on who we might collect for.  Please send him any suggestions you might have at